Thursday, February 12, 2009


Joe had his Valentine Party at Preschool today. Here he is with his Valentine box and all the Valentine's he got from his friends. The special Valentine treat they had a school was a strawberry ice cream float. Joe said it was very yummy.


*Eric & the shirt we made him for his Bday*

*Jayne & Dana*

*Dave & Eric*

*Dana & Jayne belting out some "Pink, So What"*

*Dave & Eric being rappers*

We spent a Friday evening at the Hattrick in Round Lake for Eric Oye's 30th Bday party. We had a great time (Thanks Jayne!). We sang a few karaoke songs and I was surprised to find out Dave is a pretty good rapper. Who knew?!

Down to the Farm

*Grandma & Joe at the restaurant in Round Lake, MN*

*Grandpa shows Joe the trains he set up at the shop*

*Uncle John, Grandpa, and Joe with the trains*

Joe was so excited to go visit Grandma & Grandpa in Round Lake last weekend because Grandpa got the electric trains running! He set up a track on a table at the shop, and it's perfect so Joe can get really close and watch the wheels. The train wheels even sparked sometimes. And at the house, Grandma set up the "Christmas train" for Joe in the living room and even made him a town with her glass houses (that we are to this not allowed to touch, but for some reason they become toys for Joe...).

A Trip to the Zoo

*Riding the monorail*

*Joe afraid the dolphins are going to get him*

Joe and I used our free passes from the library to check out the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley. It was lots of fun seeing the dolphins swim, riding the monorail, and walking through the tropical forest. We were so tired afterwards, we barely made it back to the car.