Friday, June 15, 2007

Joe the Flamingo

Joe saw the flamingos at the zoo standing on one leg, so he wanted to try it too! It's pretty hard to stand on one leg without holding onto sonething!

Joe Loves Trains!

Joe loves playing with his new train table. We had to get one so we could stay home instead of going to Barnes and Noble every other day to play with theirs!

Summer Swimming

I guess it's officially summer when we can get the swimming pool out! Joe had lots of fun swimming everyday this week with Daddy! His favorite thing to do it pour the water OUT of the pool! Go figure!

Monday, June 04, 2007

First Baseball Game in Milwaukee

We drove to Milwaukee to see the Cleveland Indians play! Joe made it thru almost 4 innings before we had to leave. Joe's favorite part was the playground outside!

Our New City

Here's Joe sitting by one of the many beautiful lakes in our new city of Madison.